VIII.1 Church
and People: Disjunctions in a Secular Age: Christian
Philosophical Studies, I
Charles Taylor, José Casanova
and George F. McLean, eds.
ISBN 9781565182745 (paper)
VIII. 2 God's
Spirit in the World: Ecumenical and Cultural Essays:
Christian Philosophical Studies, II and Polish
Philosophical Studies, XI
By Waclaw Hryniewicz.
ISBN 9781565182738 (paper)
VIII. 3 Philosophical
Theology and the Christian Traditions: Russian
and Western Perspectives,Christian
Philosophical Studies, III and Russian
Philosophical Studies, V
David Bradshaw, ed.
ISBN 978156518 (paper)
VIII. 4 Ethics
and the Challenge of Secularism: Russian
and Western Perspectives, Christian
Philosophical Studies, IV and Russian
Philosophical Studies, VI
David Bradshaw, ed.
ISBN 9781565182806 (paper)
VIII. 5 Freedom
for Faith: Discovery Based on George F. McLean's
Philosophy of Culture: Christian
Philosophical Studies, V
By John M. Staak.
ISBN 9781565182837 (paper)
VIII. 6 Humanity
on the Threshold: Religious Perspective on
Transhumanism: Christian
Philosophical Studies, VI
John C. Haughey and Ilia
Delio, eds.
ISBN 9781565182882 (paper)
VIII. 7 Faith
and Secularization: A Romanian Narrative: Christian
Philosophical Studies, VII
Wilhelm Danca, ed.
ISBN 9781565182929 (paper)
VIII. 8 Toward
a Kenotic Vision of Authority in the Catholic Church:Christian
Philosophical Studies, VIII
Anthony J. Carroll, Marthe
Kerkwijk, Michael
Kirwan and James
ISBN 9781565182936 (paper)
VIII. 9 The
Spirit: The Cry of the World: Christian
Philosophical Studies, IX
Waclaw Hryniewicz
ISBN 9781565182943 (paper)
Czech Perspective on Faith in a Secular Age: Christian
Philosophical Studies, X
Tomáš Halík and Pavel Hošek, eds.
ISBN 9781565183001 (paper)
Catholic Minority Church in a World of Seekers: Christian
Philosophical Studies, XI
Staf Hellemans and Peter Jonkers, eds.
ISBN 9781565183018 (paper)
VIII.12 Dilemmas
of the Catholic Church in Poland: Christian
Philosophical Studies, XII
Tadeusz Buksinski, ed.
ISBN 9781565183025 (paper)
VIII.13 Secularization
and Development of Religion in Modern Society: Christian
Philosophical Studies, XIII
Leon Dyczewski, ed.
ISBN 9781565183032 (paper)
VIII.14 Plural
Spiritualities: North American Experience: Christian
Philosophical Studies, XIV
Robert J. Schreiter, ed.
ISBN 9781565183056 (paper)
VIII.15 Seekers
or Dwellers: The Social Character of Religion in
Philosophical Studies, XV
Zsuzsanna Bögre, ed.
ISBN 9781565183063
VIII.16 French
Catholics and Their Church: Pluralism and Deregulation:Christian
Philosophical Studies,
Nicolas de Bremond d’Ars and Yann Raison du Cleuziou,
ISBN 9781565183087(paper)
VIII.17 Chinese
Spirituality and Christian Communities: A Kenosis
Perspective: Christian
Philosophical Studies,
Vincent Shen, ed.
ISBN 9781565183070 (paper)
VIII.18 Care
of Self and Meaning of Life: Asian and Christian
Philosophical Studies,
William Sweet and Cristal Huang,
ISBN 9781565183131 (paper)
VIII. 19 Religion
and Culture in the Process of Global Change: Portuguese
Perspectives: Christian
Philosophical Studies,
José Tolentino Mendonça Alfredo Teixeira and
Alexandre Palma, eds.
ISBN 97815651830148(paper)
VIII.20 Seekers
and Dwellers: Plurality and Wholeness in a Time of
Philosophical Studies,
Philip Rossi, ed.
ISBN 9781565183155 (paper)
VIII.21 Renewing
the Church in a Secular Age: Holistic Dialogue and
Kenotic Vision: Christian
Philosophical Studies,
Charles Taylor, José Casanova, George F. McLean and
João J. Vila-Chã, eds.
ISBN 9781565183179 (paper)
VIII.22 Narrating
Secularisms: Being between Identities in a Secularized
World: Christian
Philosophical Studies,
William Desmond and Dennis Vanden Auweele, eds.
ISBN 9781565183223 (paper)
VIII.23 Envisioning
Futures for the Catholic Church: Christian
Philosophical Studies,
Staf Hellemans and Peter Jonkers, eds.
ISBN 9781565183353 (paper)
VIII.24 The
Faith and Beliefs of "Nonbelievers": Christian
Philosophical Studies,
Pavol Bargar and Peter Jonkers, eds.
ISBN 9781565183544 (paper)