IVA.1 The
Philosophy of Person: Solidarity and Cultural
Creativity: Polish Philosophical Studies, I
A. Tischner and J.M. Zycinski, eds.
ISBN 1565180488 (cloth)
ISBN 1565180496 (paper)
IVA.2 Public
and Private Social Inventions in Modern Societies:
Polish Philosophical Studies, II
Leon Dyczewski, Paul
Peachey and John Kromkowski, eds.
ISBN 156518050x
ISBN 1565180518
IVA.3 Traditions
and Present Problems of Czech Political Culture: Czech
Philosophical Studies, I
Michael Vejrazka and Miloslav Bednar, eds.
ISBN 1565180569 (cloth)
ISBN 1565180577 (paper)
IVA.4 Czech
Philosophy in the XXth Century: Czech Philosophical
Studies, II
Lubomìr Novy and
Jiri Gabriel, eds.
ISBN 1565180283
ISBN 1565180291
IVA.5 Language,
Values and the Slovak Nation: Slovak Philosophical
Studies, I
Tibor Pichler and Jana Gasparikova, eds.
ISBN 1565180364 (cloth)
ISBN 1565180372 (paper)
IVA.6 Morality
and Public Life in a Time of Change: Bulgarian
Philosophical Studies, I
Vasil Prodanov and
Assen Davidov, eds.
ISBN 1565180542
ISBN 1565180550
IVA.7 National
Identity as an Issue of Knowledge and Morality: Georgian
Philosophical Studies, I
Ghia Nodia and Paul Peachey, eds.
ISBN 1565180526 (cloth)
ISBN 1565180534 (paper)
IVA.8 Personal
Freedom and National Resurgence: Lithuanian
Philosophical Studies, I
Kuzmickas and Aleksandr Dobrynin, eds.
1565180380 (cloth)
1565180399 (paper)
IVA.9 National,
Cultural and Ethnic Identities: Harmony Beyond Conflict:
Czech Philosophical Studies, III
Jaroslav Hroch,
David Hollan and George F. McLean, eds.
ISBN 1565181131
IVA.10 Models
of Identities in Post-communist Societies: Yugoslav
Philosophical Studies, I
Zagorka Golubovic
and George F. McLean, eds.
ISBN 1565181271
IVA.11 Interests
and Values: The Spirit of Venture in a Time of Change:
Slovak Philosophical Studies, II
Tibor Pichler, Jana
Gasparikova, eds.
ISBN 1565181255
IVA.12 Creating
Democratic Societies - Values and Norms: Bulgarian
Philosophical Studies, II
Plamen makariev,
Andrew M. Blasko and Asen Davidov, eds.
ISBN 156518131x
IVA.13 Values
in Islamic Culture and The Experience of History:
Russian Philosophical Studies, I
Nur Kirabaev and
Yuriy Pochta, eds.
ISBN 1565181336
IVA.14 Values
and Education in Romania Today: Romanian Philosophical
Studies, I
Marin Calin
and Magdalena Dumitrana, eds.
1565181344 (paper)
IVA.15 Between
Words and Reality, Studies on the Politics of
Recognition and the Changes of Regime in Contemporary
Romania: Romanian Philosophical Studies, II
By Victor Neumann
ISBN 1565181611 (paper)
IVA.16 Culture
and Freedom: Romanian Philosophical Studies, III
Marin Aiftinca, ed.
ISBN 1565181360
IVA.17 Lithuanian
Philosophy: Persons and Ideas: Lithuanian Philosophical
Studies, II
Jurate Baranova, ed.
ISBN 1565181379
IVA.18 Human
Dignity - Values And Justice: Czech Philosophical
Studies, IV
Miloslav Bednár, ed.
ISBN 1565181247 (paper)
IVA.19 Values
in the Polish Cultural Tradition: Polish Philosophical
Studies, III
Lean Dyczewski, ed.
ISBN 1565181425
IVA.20 Liberalization
and Transformation of Morality in Post-Communist
Countries: Polish Philosophical Studies, IV
By Tadeusz Buksinski
ISBN 1565181786
IVA.21 Islamic
and Christian Cultures: Conflict or Dialogue: Bulgarian
Philosophical Studies, III
Plamen Makariev, ed.
ISBN 156518162X (paper)
IVA.22 Moral,
Legal and Political Values in Romanian Culture: Romanian
Philosophical Studies, IV
Mihaela Czobor-Lupp
and J. Stefan Lupp, eds.
ISBN 1565181700
IVA.23 Social
Philosophy: Paradigm of Contemporary Thinking:
Lithuanian Philosophical Studies, III
By Jurate
1565182030 (paper)
IVA.24 Romania:
Cultural Identity and Education for Civil Society:
Romanian Philosophical Studies, V
Magdalena Dumitrana, ed.
ISBN 156518209X (paper)
IVA.25 Polish
Axiology: The 20th Century and beyond: Polish
Philosophical Studies, V
Stanislaw Jedynak,
IVA.26 Contemporary
philosophical discourse in Lithuania: Lithuanian
Philosophical Studies, IV
Jurate Baranova, ed.
ISBN 1565182154
IVA.27 Eastern
Europe and
the Challenges of Globalization: Polish Philosophical
Studies, VI
Tadeusz Buksinski
and Dariusz Dobrzanski, eds.
ISBN 1565182189
IVA.28 Church,
state, and society in Eastern Europe: Hungarian
Philosophical Studies, I
By Miklós Tomka
ISBN 156518226X
IVA.29 Politics,
Ethics, and the Challenges to Democracy in "New
Independent States": Georgian Philosophical Studies, I
Tinatin Bochorishvili, William Sweet, Daniel
Ahern, eds.
ISBN: 9781565182240 (paper)(2005)
IVA.30 Comparative
Ethics in a Global Age: Russian Philosophical Studies,
Marietta T. Stepanyants, eds.
ISBN 9781565182356 (paper) (2008)
IVA.31 Identity
and Values of Lithuanians: Lithuanian Philosophical
Studies, V
Aida Savicka, eds.
ISBN 9781565182363 (paper)
IVA.32 The
Challenge of Our Hope: Christian Faith in Dialogue:
Polish Philosophical Studies, VII
By Waclaw Hryniewicz
ISBN: 9781565182370
IVA.33 Diversity
and Dialogue: Culture and Values in the Age
of Globalization: Bulgarian Philosophical Studies, IV
Andrew Blasko and
Plamen Makariev, eds.
ISBN 9781565182387
(paper) (2009)
IVA.34 Civil
Society, Pluralism and Universalism: Polish
Philosophical Studies, VIII
By Eugeniusz Gorski
ISBN 9781565182417 (paper)
IVA.35 Romanian
Philosophical Culture, Globalization, and Education:
Romanian Philosophical Studies, VI
Alin Tat and Stefan Popenici, eds.
ISBN 9781565182424 (paper) (2008)
IVA.36 Political
Transformation and Changing Identities in Central and
Eastern Europe: Lithuanian Philosophical Studies, VI
Andrew Blasko and Diana Janusauskiene, eds.
ISBN 9781565182462 (paper)
IVA.37 Truth
and Morality: The Role of Truth in Public Life: Romanian
Philosophical Studies, VII
Wilhelm Danca, ed.
ISBN 9781565182493
IVA.38 Globalization
and Culture: Outlines of Contemporary Social Cognition:
Lithuanian Philosophical Studies, VII
Jurate Morkuniene,
ISBN 9781565182516
IVA.39 Knowledge
and Belief in the Dialogue of Cultures: Russian
Philosophical Studies, III
Marietta Stepanyants, ed.
ISBN 9781565182622 (paper)
IVA.40 God
and the Post-Modern Thought: Philosophical Issues in the
Contemporary Critique of Modernity: Polish Philosophical
Studies, IX
By Józef Zycinski
ISBN 9781565182677
IVA.41 Dialoguexe
among Civilizations: Russian
Philosophical Studies, IV
Nur Kirabaevxe and Yuriy Pochtaxe, eds.
ISBN 9781565182653 (paper)
IVA.42 The
Idea of Solidarity: Philosophical and Social Contexts:
Polish Philosophical Studies, X
Dariusz Dobrzanski, ed.
ISBN 9781565182961 (paper)
IVA.43 God's
Spirit in the World: Ecumenical and Cultural Essays:
Polish Philosophical Studies, XI
By Waclaw Hryniewicz
ISBN 9781565182738 (paper)
IVA.44 Philosophical
Theology and the Christian Tradition: Russian and
Western Perspectives: Russian Philosophical Studies, V
David Bradshaw, ed.
ISBN 9781565182752
IVA.45 Ethics
and the Challenge of Secularism: Russian Philosophical Studies,
David Bradshaw, ed.
ISBN 9781565182806
IVA.46 Philosophy
and Spirituality across Cultures and Civilizations:
Russian Philosophical Studies, VII
Nur Kirabaev, Yuriy
Pochta and Ruzana Pskhu, eds.
ISBN 9781565182820
IVA.47 Values
of the Human Person Contemporary Challenges: Romanian
Philosophical Studies,
Mihaela Pop, ed.
ISBN 9781565182844 (paper)
IVA.48 Faith
and Secularization: A Romanian Narrative: Romanian
Philosophical Studies, IX
Wilhelm Dancă, ed.
ISBN 9781565182929
IVA.49 The
Spirit: The Cry of the World: Polish Philosophical
Studies, XII
By Waclaw Hryniewicz
ISBN 9781565182943
IVA.50 Philosophy
and Science in Cultures: East and West: Russian
Philosophical Studies,
T. Stepanyants, ed.
9781565182967 (paper)
IVA.51 Czech
Perspective on Faith in a Secular Age: Czech
Philosophical Studies, V
Tomáš Halík and Pavel Hošek, eds.
ISBN 9781565183001 (paper)
IVA.52 Dilemmas
of the Catholic Church in Poland: Polish Philosophical
Studies, XIII
Tadeusz Buksinski,
ISBN 9781565183025
IVA.53 Secularization
and Development of Religion in Modern Society: Polish
Philosophical Studies, XIV
Leon Dyczewski, ed.
ISBN 9781565183032
IVA.54 Seekers
or Dweller: The Social Character of Religion in Hungary:
Hungarian Philosophical Studies, II
Zsuzsanna Bögre, ed.
ISBN 9781565183063 (paper)
IVA.55 Eurasian
Frontier: Interrelation of Eurasian Cultures in a Global
Age: Russian Philosophical Studies, IX
Irina Boldonova and Vensus A. George, eds.
ISBN 9781565183186 (paper)
IVA.56 Religion,
the Sacred and Hospitality: Romanian Philosophical
Studies, X
Wilhelm Dancă, ed.
ISBN 9781565183254
IVA.57 Identity
and Globalization: Ethical Implications: Lithuanian
Philosophical Studies, VI
Dalia Marija Stanciene, Irena Darginaviciene and Susan
Robbins, eds.
ISBN 9781565183262
IVA.58 Multimodal
Education: Philosophy and Practice: Lithuanian Philosophical
Studies, IX
Jūratė Baranova and Lilija Duoblienė, eds.
ISBN 9781565183490
IVA.59 Community
and Tradition in Global Times: Ukrainian
Philosophical Studies, I
Denys Kiryukhin, ed.
ISBN 9781565183469
IVA.60 The
Role of Intercultural Encounters: Re-learning to
be Human for Global Times: Romanian Philosophical
Studies, XI
Dan Chitoiu and Oana Cogeanu, eds.
ISBN 9781565183476