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The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy

Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change

Studies on the cultural sources and foundations of values and the role of this heritage in building the future



Series VII. Seminars: Culture and Values



VII.1   The Social Context and Values: Perspectives of the Americas 

O. Pegoraro, ed.

ISBN 0-8191-7354-1 (cloth)

ISBN 0-8191-7355-x (paper)


VII. 2  Culture, Human Rights and Peace in Central America

Raul Molina and Timothy Ready, eds.

ISBN 0-8191-7356-8 (cloth)

ISBN 0-8191-7357-6 (paper)


VII. 3  Relations Between Cultures 

John Kromkowski, ed.

ISBN 1-56518-009-7 (cloth)

ISBN 1-56518-008-9 (paper)


VII. 4  Moral Imagination and Character Development, Volume I, The Imagination 

George F. McLean and John A. Kromkowski, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-174-3 (paper)


VII. 5  Moral Imagination and Character Development, Volume II, Moral Imagination in Personal Formation and Character Development 

George F. McLean and Richard Knowles, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-181-6 (paper)


VII. 6  Moral Imagination and Character Development, Volume II, Imagination in Religion and Social Life 

George F. McLean and John K. White, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-182-4 (paper)


VII. 7  Culture, Evangelization, and Dialogue

Antonio Gallo and Robert Magliola, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-183-2 (paper)


VII. 8  Culture, Evangelization, and Dialogue

Antonio Gallo and Robert Magliola, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-183-2 (paper)


VII. 9  The Place of the Person in Social Life

Paul Peachey and John Kromkowski, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-013-5 (cloth)

ISBN 1-56518-012-7 (paper)


VII.10  Urbanization and Values

John Kromkowski, ed.

ISBN 1-56518-011-9 (cloth)

ISBN 1-56518-010-0 (paper)


VII.11  Freedom and Choice in a Democracy, Volume I: Meanings of Freedom 

Robert Magliola and John Farrelly, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-186-7 (paper)


VII.12  Freedom and Choice in a Democracy, Volume II: The Difficult Passage to Freedom 

Robert Magliola and Richard Khuri, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-185-9 (paper)


VII.13  Cultural Identity, Pluralism, and Globalization 

John P. Hogan, ed.

ISBN 1-56518-217-0 (paper)


VII.14  Democracy: In the Throes of Liberalism and Totalitarianism

George F. McLean, Robert Magliola and William Fox, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-195-6 (paper)


VII.15  Democracy and Values in Global Times: With Nigeria as a Case Study 

George F. McLean, Robert Magliola and Joseph Abah, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-195-6 (paper)


VII.16  Civil Society and Social Reconstruction 

George F. McLean, ed.

ISBN 1-56518-086-0 (paper)


VII.17  Civil Society: Who Belongs?

William A. Barbieri, Robert Magliola and Rosemary Winslow, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-197-2 (paper)


VII.18  The Humanization of Social Life: Theory and Challenges 

Christopher Wheatley, Robert P. Badillo, Rose B. Calabretta and Robert Magliola, eds.

ISBN1-56518-200-6 (paper)


VII. 19 The Humanization of Social Life: Cultural Resources and Historical Responses 

Ronald S. Calinger, Robert P. Badillo, Rose B. Calabretta and Robert Magliola, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-200-6 (paper)


VII.20  Religious Inspiration for Public Life: Religion in Public Life (Volume I)

Heinz Holley, John Kromkowski and Robert Magliola, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-210-3 (paper)


VII.21  Religion and Political Structures from Fundamentalism to Public Service: Religion in Public Life (Volume II)

John T. Ford, Robert A. Destro and Charles R. Dechert, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-211-1 (paper)


VII.22  Civil Society as Democratic Practice 

Antonio F. Perez, Semou Pathé Gueye, Yang Fenggang, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-223-5 (paper)


VII.23  Ecumenism and Nostra Aetate in the 21st Century 

George F. McLean and John P. Hogan, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-219-7 (paper)


VII.24  Multiple Paths to God: Nostre Aetate: 40 years Later 

John P. Hogan and George F. McLean, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-220-0 (paper)


VII.25  Globalization and Identity 

Andrew Blasko, Taras Dobko, Pham Van Duc and George Pattery, eds.

ISBN 1-56518-220-0 (paper)


VII.26  Communication across Cultures: The Hermeneutics of Cultures and Religions in a Global Age 

Chibueze C. Udeani, Veerachart Nimanong, Zou Shipeng, Mustafa Malik, eds.

ISBN-13: 978-1-56518-240-0 (paper)


VII.27  Symbols, Cultures and Identities in a Time of Global Interaction 

Paata Chkheidze, Hoang Thi To, and Yaroslav Pasko, eds.

ISBN 978-1-56518-260-8 (paper)


VII.28  Restorying the 'Polis': Civil Society as Narrative Reconstruction 

 Yuriy Pochta, Gan Chunsong, David Kaulemu, eds.

ISNB 978-1-56518-312-4 (paper)


VII.29  History and Cultural Identity: Retrieving the Past, Shaping the Future 

 John P. Hogan, ed.

ISBN 978-1-56518-268-4 (paper)


VII.30  Human Nature: Stable and/or Changing? 

John P. Hogan, ed.

ISBN 978-1-56518-281-3 (paper)


VII.31  Reasoning in Faith: Cultural Foundations for Civil Society and Globalization 

Octave Kamwiziku Wozol, Sebastian Velassery and Jurate Baranova, eds.

ISBN 978-1-56518-286-8 (paper)


VII.32  Building Community in a Mobile/Global Age: Migration and Hospitality 

John P. Hogan, Vensus A. George and Corazon T. Toralba, eds.

ISBN 978-1-56518-287-5 (paper)


VII.33  The Role of Religions in the Public-Sphere: The Post-Secular Model of Jurgen Habermas and Beyond

Plamen Makariev and Vensus A. George, eds. 

ISNB 978-1-56518-304-9 (paper)


VII.34  Diversity and Unity

George F. McLean, Gode Iwele and Angelli F. Tugado, eds.

ISNB 978-1-56518-311-7 (paper)


VII.35  The Secular and the Sacred: Complementary and/or Conflictual?

John P. Hogan and Sayed Hassan Hussaini (Akhlaq), eds.

ISNB 978-1-56518-320-9 (paper)


VII.36  Justice and Responsibility: Cultural and Philosophical Foundations

João J. Vila-Chã and John P. Hogan, eds.

ISBN 978-156518-330-8 (paper)


VII.37  Religion, Reconciliation, and Peace

João J. Vila-Chã, Vensus A. George, and Astrid Vicas, eds.

ISBN 978-156518-355-1 (paper)



Gibbons Hall B-12, 620 Michigan Avenue, North East,  Washington DC 20064; Telephone: 202/319-6089; Email: cua-rvp@cua.edu; Website:www.crvp.org