The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy
Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change
Studies on the cultural sources and foundations of values and the role
of this heritage in building the future
Series VI. Foundations
of Moral Education
VI.1 Philosophical
Foundations Of Moral Education And Character Development (2nd
ed. revised)
George F. McLean, Frederick E. Ellrod, David Schindler
and Jesse A. Mann, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-001-1 (cloth)
ISBN 1-56518-000-3 (paper)
VI.2 Psychological
Foundations Of Moral Education And Character
Development: An Integrated Theory Of Moral Development (2nd
ed. revised)
Richard T. Knowles and George F. McLean, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-003-8 (cloth)
ISBN 1-56518-02-x (paper)
VI.3 Character
Development In Schools And Beyond (2nd
ed. revised)
Kevin Ryan, Thomas Lickona and George F. McLean, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-058-5 (cloth)
ISBN 1-56518-059-3 (paper)
VI.4 The
Social Context And Values: Perspectives of the Americas
Olinto Pegoraro and George F. McLean, eds. ISBN
0-8191-7354-1 (cloth); ISBN 0-8191-7355-x (paper). 1989. George
F. McLean, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-080-1 (paper)
VI.5 Chinese
Foundations For Moral Education And Character
Tran van Doan, Vincent Shen, and George F. McLean, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-033-x (cloth)
ISBN 1-56518-032-1 (paper)
VI.6 Morality,
Metaphysics and Chinese Culture
Vincent Shen and Tran Van Doan, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-027-5 (paper)
VI.7 Love
as the Foundation of Moral Education and Character
Luis Ugalde, Nicolas Barros and George F. McLean, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-080-1 (paper)