IIIB.1 Authentic
Human Desticy: The Paths Of Shankara And Heidegger:
Indian Philosophical Studies, I
Vensus A. George
1-56518-119-0 (paper)
IIIB.2 The
Experience of Being as Goal of Human Existence: The
Heideggerian Approach: Indian Philosophical Studies, II
Vensus A. George
1-56518-145-X (paper)
IIIB.3 Religious
Dialogue as Hermeneutics: Bede Griffiths?s
Advaitic Approach: Indian Philosophical Studies, III
Kuruvilla Pandikattu
ISBN 1-56518-139-5 (paper)
IIIB.4 Self-Realization
[Brahmaanubhava]: The Advaitic Perspective of Shankara:
Indian Philosophical Studies, IV
Vensus A. George
ISBN 1-56518-154-9 (paper)
IIIB.5 Gandhi:
The Meaning of Mahatma for the Millennium: Indian
Philosophical Studies, V
Kuruvilla Pandikattu, ed.
ISBN 1-56518-156-5 (paper)
IIIB.6 Civil
Society in Indian Cultures: Indian Philosophical
Studies, VI
Asha Mukherjee, Sabujkali
Sen (Mitra) and K. Bagchi, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-157-3 (paper)
IIIB.7 Hermeneutics,
Tradition and Contemporary Change Lectures In
Chennai/Madras, India: Indian Philosophical Studies, VII
George F. McLean
1-56518-188-3 (paper)
IIIB.8 Plenitude
and Participation: The Life of God in Man; Lectures in
Chennai/Madras, India: Indian Philosophical Studies,
By George F. McLean
ISBN 1-56518-199-9 (paper)
IIIB.9 Sufism
and Bhakti, a Comparative Study: Indian Philosophical
Studies, IX
By Md. Sirajul Islam
ISBN 1-56518-198-0 (paper)
IIIB.10 Reasons
for Hope: Its Nature, Role and Future: Indian
Philosophical Studies, X
Kuruvilla Pandikattu, ed.
ISBN 1-56518- 2162 (paper)
IIIB.11 Lifeworlds
and Ethics: Studies in Several Keys: Indian Philosohical
Studies, XI
By Margaret Chatterjee
ISBN 978-1-56518-233-2
IIIB.12 Paths
to the Divine: Ancient and Indian: Indian Philosophical
Studies, XII
By Vensus A. George
ISBN 978-1-56518-249-3 (paper)
IIIB.13 Faith
and Reason Today Fides et Ratio in a Post-modern Era:
Indian Philosophical Studies, XIII
Varghese Manimala, ed.
IBSN 9781565182554 (paper)
IIIB.14 Identity,
Creativity and Moderniation: Perspectives on Indian
Cultural Traditions: Indian Philosophical Studies XV
Sebastian Velassery and Vensus A. George, eds.
IBSN 9781565182783 (paper)
IIIB.15 Elusive
Transcendence: An Exploration of the Human Condition
Based on Paul Ricoeur: Indian
Philosophical Studies, XV
By Kuruvilla
ISBN 9781565182950 (paper)
IIIB.16 Being
Human in Multicultural Traditions: Indian Philosophical
Studies, XVI
K. Remi Rajani and Vensus A.
George, eds.
ISBN 978-156518-328-5
IIIB.17 Justice
and Responsibility: Re-learning to be Human : Indian
Philosophical Studies, XVI
Balaganapathi Devarakonda
and Sebastian Velassery, eds.
ISBN 978-156518-328-3