I.1 Research
on Culture And Values: Intersection of
Universities,Churches, and Nations
By George F. McLean
ISBN 0-8191-7352-5 (cloth)
ISBN 0-8191-7353-3 (paper)
I.2 The
Knowledge of Values: A Methodological Introdction
Alfonso López Quintás
ISBN 0-8191-7418-1 (cloth)
ISBN 0-8191-7419-x (paper)
I.3 Reading
Philosophy for the 21st Century
George F. McLean, ed
ISBN 0-8191-7414-9
ISBN 0-8191-7415-7
I.4 Relations
Between Cultures
John Kromkowski and
George F. McLean, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-009-7
ISBN 1-56518-008-9
I.5 Urbanization
and Values
John Kromkowski and George F. McLean, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-011-9 (cloth)
ISBN 1-56518-010-0 (paper)
I.6 The
Place of the Person in Social Life
Paul Peachey, John
Kromkowski and George F. McLean, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-013-5 (cloth)
ISBN 1-56518-012-7 (paper)
I.7 Abrahamic
Faiths, Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflicts
Paul Peachey, George
F. McLean and John Kromkowski, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-103-4/1-56518-104-2
I.8 Ancient
Western Philosophy: The Hellenic Emergence
By George F. McLean
and Patrick J. Aspell
1-56518-099-2/1-56518-100-X (paper)
I.9 Medieval
Western Philosophy: The European Emergence
By Patrick J. Aspell
ISBN 1-56518-093-3/1-56518-094-1 (paper)
I.10 Ethical
Implications of Unity and the Divine in Nickolas of Cusa
By David
J. Deleonardis
ISBN 1-56518-112-3 (paper)
I.11 Ethics
at the Crossroads, Vol. 1: Normative Ethics and
Objective Reason
Richard Wolak and George F. McLean, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-023-2 (cloth)
ISBN 1-56518-022-4 (paper)
I.12 Ethics
at the Crossroads, Vol. 2: Personalist Ethics and
Human Subjectivity
Richard Wolak and George F.
McLean, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-025-9 (cloth)
ISBN 1-56518-024-0 (paper)
I.13 The
Emancipative Theory of Jürgen Habermas and Metaphysics
By Robert Badillo
ISBN 1-56518-043-7 (cloth)
ISBN 1-56518-042-9 (paper)
I.14 The
Deficient Cause of Moral Evil according to Thomas
By Edward
ISBN 56518-069-0 (cloth)
ISBN 1-56518-070-4 (paper)
I.15 Human
Love: Its Meaning and Scope, a Phenomenology of Gift
and Encounter
By Alfonso Lopez Quintas
ISBN 1-56518-074-7 (paper)
I.16 Civil
Society and Social Reconstruction
George F. McLean, ed.
ISBN 1-56518-086-0 (paper)
I.17 Ways
to God: Personal and Social at the Turn of Millennia
By George F. McLean
ISBN 1-56518-123-9 (paper)
I.18 The
Role of the Sublime in Kant's Moral Metaphysics
By John R. Goodreau
ISBN 1-56518-124-7 (paper)
I.19 Philosophical
Challenges and Opportunities of Globalization
Obliva Blanchette, Tomonobu Imamichi and George F.
McLean, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-129-8 (paper) (two volumes)
I.20 Faith,
Reason and Philosophy: Lectures at The al-Azhar, Qum,
Tehran, Lahore and Beijing; Appendix: The Encyclical
Letter: Fides et Ratio
By George F. McLean
ISBN 1-56518-1301 (paper)
I.21 Religion
and the Relation between Civilizations: Lectures on
Cooperation between Islamic and Christian Cultures in a
Global Horizon
By George F. McLean
ISBN 1-56518-152-2 (paper)
I.22 Freedom,
Cultural Traditions and Progress: Philosophy in Civil
Society and Nation Building:Tashkent Lectures, 1999
By George F. McLean
ISBN 1-56518-151-4
I.23 Ecology
of Knowledge
By Jerzy A. Wojciechowski
ISBN 1-56518-158-1 (paper)
I.24 God
and the Challenge of Evil: A Critical Examination of
Some Serious Objections to the Good and Omnipotent God
By John
L. Yardan
ISBN 1-56518-160-3 (paper)
I.25 Reason,
Rationality and Reasonableness, Vietnamese Philosophical
Studies, I
By Tran Van Doan
ISBN 1-56518-166-2
I.26 The
Culture of Citizenship: Inventing Postmodern Civic
Thomas Bridges
ISBN 1-56518-168-9 (paper)
I.27 The
Historicity of Understanding and the Problem of
Relativism in Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics
By Osman
ISBN 1-56518-167-0 (paper)
I.28 Speaking
of God
By Carlo
ISBN 1-56518-169-7 (paper)
I.29 Persons,
Peoples, and Cultures in a Global Age: Metaphysical
Bases for Peace between Civilizations
By George F. McLean
ISBN 1-56518-187-5
I.30 Hermeneutics,
Tradition and Contemporary Change: Lectures In
Chennai/Madras, India
By George F. McLean
ISBN 1-56518- 188-3 (paper)
I.31 Husserl
and Stein
Richard Feist and William Sweet, eds
ISBN 1-56518-194-8 (paper)
I.32 Paul
Hanly Furfey's Quest for a Good Society
Bronislaw Misztal,
Francesco Villa and Eric Sean Williams, eds.
ISBN 1-56518-227-8
I.33 Three
Theories of Society
By Paul Hanly Furfey
ISBN 978-1-56518-228-8
(paper) (2005)
I.34 Building
Peace and Civil Society: An Autobiographical Report from
a Believers' Church
By Paul Peachey
ISBN 978-1-56518-232-5 (paper)
I.35 Karol
Wojtyla's Philosophical Legacy
Agnes B. Curry, Nancy Mardas and George F. McLean ,eds.
ISBN 978-1-56518-247-9 (paper)
I.36 Kantian
Form and Phenomenological Force: Kant's Imperatives and
the Directives of Contemporary Phenomenology
By Randolph C. Wheeler. ISBN
9781565182547 (paper)
I.37 Beyond
Modernity: The Recovery of Person and Community in
Global Times: Lectures in China and Vietnam
By George F. McLean
ISBN 9781565182578 (paper)
I.38 Religion
and Culture
By George F. McLean
ISBN 9781565182561
I.39 The
Dialogue of Cultural Traditions: Global Perspective
William Sweet, George F.
McLean, Tomonobu Imamichi, Safak Ural, O. Faruk Akyol,
ISBN 9781565182585 (paper)
I.40 Unity
and Harmony, Compassion and Love in Global Times
By George
F. McLean
ISBN 978-1565182592 (paper)
I.41 Intercultural
Dialogue and Human Rights
Luigi Bonanate, Roberto Papini and William Sweet, eds.
ISBN 9781565182714 (paper)
I.42 Philosophy
Emerging from Culture
William Sweet, George F. McLean, Oliva Blanchette,Wonbin
Park, eds.
ISBN 9781565182851 (paper)
I.43 Whence
Louis Perron, ed.
9781565182905 (paper)
I.44 What
Is Intercultural Philosophy?
William Sweet, ed.
ISBN 9781565182912 (paper)
I.45 Romero’s
Legacy 2: Faith in the City: Poverty, Politics, and
Foreword by Robert
T. McDermott. Pilar Hogan Closkey, Kevin Moran and John
P. Hogan, eds.
I.46 Cultural
Clash and Religion
William Sweet, ed.
ISBN 9781565183100 (paper)
I.47 Modern
Political Thought from Hobbes to Maritain
William Sweet, ed.
ISBN 9781565182721 (paper)
I.48 Philosophy
as Love of Wisdom and its Relevance to the Global Crisis
of Meaning
Patrick Laude and Peter
Jonkers, eds.
ISBN 9781565183391 (paper)
I.49 George
F. McLean: Reminiscences and Reflections
William Sweet and Hu Yeping, eds.
ISBN 9781565183438 (paper)
I.50 Philosophy
Re-engaging Cultures and Ways of Life
William Sweet and George F.
McLean, eds.
ISBN 9781565183384 (paper)
I.51 Thiking
with/for Many Others: In Memory of Vincent Shen
Joao J. Vila-Cha and Hu
Yeping, eds.
ISBN 9781565183506 (paper)