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International Conference

Human Community and Common Values in the 21st Century


July 5-6, 2023


Fujen Catholic Univeristy, Taipei, Taiwan



Conference Program



Thematic Description


A human community is obviously and inevitably about human beings who live together in time and space and share something in common, e.g., cultures, traditions, religions, etc. Although human communities vary in sizes, locations, formations…, they are all based on certain principles. Gradually human civilizations emerged through historical processes. Civilizations engage sets of cultures which are founded on major religions. This indicates that cultures and cultural traditions consist of sets of values and virtues developed by people of communities regarding how to cultivate their life in their particular geographical and historical circumstances. Such sets of values and virtues are developed through long-term experiences and struggles according to which each people have their own preferences.


A community can be as small as a group of people or as large as the entire humanity. But people in each community undertakes their own history and lifeworld unfolded in different kinds of relationships. All communities are formed by their members who are interconnected yet different from one another. What bring them all together are shared common values. The word "common" itself presupposes the connotation of a community in which a vision of shared common values are produced by its members. However, each community has its own value preferences due to each one’s own circumstances. Today in our complex and pluralist 21st century, in order to live together peacefully among different cultural traditions, civilizations, religions and to construct a human community in its best form, it seems rather urgent and necessary to look for common values that can be shared by all.  Is this possible?


This conference will focus the following issues:


- Is it possible to pursue common values among diverse communities?

- What are the common values that can be shared by all?

- How to achieve diversity in unity or unity in diversity?

- What are fundamental principles for forming human communities?

- How to achieve mutual recognition among different communities?

- How to implement cross-cultural and cross-religious dialogues and communications in order to find consensus?

- What are traditional value systems? Can they still function in the 21st century?

- What are new values that should be produced in the new challenging world?



Conference participants will cover the costs of their own travel, the conference organizer will provide room and board during the conference. Detailed abstract should be sent to katiaho@hotmail.com and cua-rvp@cua.edu by March 20, 2023 and full paper by June 20, 2023.  The conference will be conducted in English.



Katia Lenehan

Fujen Catholic University







(all the materials on this website are copyrighted © by the council for research in values and philosophy)

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