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Online Zoom Webinar

The Myth of Disenchantment and the Power of the Sacred


Friday April 23, 2021     10.00am-11.30am  (Washington DC Time)




A Lecture by Hans Joas (video recording)









  Charles Taylor                      José Casanova




Contempoary criticisms of the secularization thesis make it necessary to pose the question: Does modern European secularization truly have a long prehistory in a process of “disenchantment," as Max Weber famously maintained? An exploration of this line of inquiry helps illuminate a number of significant difficulties with Weber’s narrative of disenchantment.  It also opens up the path to an alternative sociological account of religion and self-transcendence in the modern age.  This theory of the interplay of moral universalism and “the power of the sacred” reveals both perils and opportunities for our present times.


Co-sponsored by CUA McLean Center for the Study of Culture and Values, Catholic University School of Theology and Religious Studies, Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies; Oxford University Press


(all the materials on this website are copyrighted © by the council for research in values and philosophy)

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