RVP International Conferences 2013 International Conferences 2013

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 Invitation to an International conference

Faith in a Secular Age

November 22-23, 2013                               Bucharest, Romania



University of Bucharest




Secularization is a complex spiritual, cultural and socio-political phenomenon, constantly expanding in some parts of the world through mass-media and globalization. It involves a specific mentality and life style, with virtually no reference to Transcendence. To some, secularization is synonym with the 'death of God' announced by Nietzsche and other modern thinkers. To others, secularism is a banishment of faith, a radicalized freedom, where truth is rendered relative and material wealth praised, while the quality of human interaction is neglected and the fundamental human values are degraded. In a secularized context, God is no longer referenced in the public discourse of former Christian communities. The inherited values of Church's tradition are no longer important. Many Christians seek and improvise new ways of living, and authentic faith is no longer at hand. Some get scared, some even give up hope. Yet some regard secularization as a providential challenge to be dealt with optimistically and bravely, and seek new ways to bring their faith and scriptural values up to date.


This conference aims to scrutinize the sources of secularization: the political ideologies of the last two centuries, the globalization, Church' self-secularization following the II Vatican Council, liberation theology, the philosophy of resentment, etc.


One other aim is to explore fresh directions in conceptualising faith as well as in living it in a secularized context, so that faith can cease to further dilute, and be authentically and integrally experienced.


We invite paper proposals from scholars working in the below fields, which will be published in a volume following the conference.


            Metaphysics and Phenomenology of Religions

            Fundamental Theology and Anthropological Theology

            Philosophy of Culture and Intercultural Dialog

            Sociology and History of Religions

            Political Theology and of State-Church Dialog

            The Role and the Standing of Faith in Recent Political Regimes



Romanian, English and French.



Please send 200/300-word abstract and a brief CV to

Dr. Gabriela Blebea Nicolae

Facultatea de Teologie Romano-Catolica

Str. Gen. Berthelot, nr. 19

Cod 010164, Bucharest, Sect. 1, Romania




Room and board will be  provided during the conference. Each participant will cover his or her travel.






(all the materials on this website are copyrighted © by the council for research in values and philosophy)

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