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Invitation to an International Conference


Revitalizing Chinese Culture: Values and Virtues for a Global Age



Fudan University

Shanghai, P.R. China

June 26-27, 2011




As the focus of China’s life expands from nation building to global engagement, China is challenged to establish its proper place in the greater world community. Over the last century, for its modernization China has drawn ideas from the West. There are reasons to believe that progress now requires that it add a reverse flow whereby it shares its vision with the world and assumes leadership in the shaping of the newly global times.

In sum, in recent decades China has risen to a leading position in the world economy, based on profit; now it begins to play a special role as well in the political order, based on power. Both of these are limited, however, and hence tend to engender competition. In this context the greater the success the greater the suspicion regarding motivation, followed by resistance that slows further progress.

To counter this dynamism it becomes urgent to begin to focus on another order of reality where what is had by one can be shared with, and supportive of, others, and this without being lost to its originator. This is the  field of culture which reflects the deep values, inspiration and aspirations of a people through the ages. Hence, in the evolving global context as we enter the 21st century a key element for the success of China will lie in its being perceived not as competitor or threat, but as realizing its own special genius and sharing this with others. On this basis China can be the sought-after partner, a path finder for the human community in facing its challenges and in shaping the global human future.

The conference to inaugurate the new Center for the Study of Chinese Culture and Values in the Global Context (SCCV) at Fudan University will be held at its School of Philosophy on June 26-27, 2011 (languages: Chinese and English). It will explore how China can revitalize its cultural values and virtues in response to the above challenges and contribute its dynamic “soft power” to the future of the global community. Sample topics include:

- The significance of Confucian, Daoist, Buddhist, and Chinese Marxist values and virtues for revitalizing Chinese Culture;

  - Possible Chinese contributions to the challenge of globalization;

- An integral philosophical project for the new Fudan Center for the Study of Chinese Culture and Values in the Global Context;


Wang Xinsheng

Center for the Study of Chinese Culture and Values in the Global Contexts (SCCV)

School of Philosophy

Fudan University

Shanghai, P.R. China

Email: xswang@fudan.edu.cn 








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