Invitation to an International Conference
Urbanization and
Community Building: China and the World
School of International
University of International
Business and Economy
Beijing, P.R. China
June 18-19, 2011
Among developing
countries urbanization has become one of the most dynamic forces
in the process of globalization since the end of the Cold
War. Chinese society has witnessed an unprecedented scale of
migration from rural areas to cities. Nevertheless, many
questions remain unresolved, e.g., how do the new immigrates
fit into the new
city life
; how does the city governance accommodate the newcomers?
How do Chinese traditional cultures and values effect the
modern process of urbanization, and vice versa. Is
there a Chinese model of urbanization? What experience and
lessons can Chinese policy makers and leaders of the other
developing nations borrow from one another? These questions
pose challenges to scholars of political science, sociology
and philosophy.
The conference aims to
provide a forum for both Chinese and international scholars
to exchange their research findings, enhance their
understanding of the fundamental forces in the process of
urbanization and community building and open
more perspectives through enhanced discussions.
The conference
organizers tentatively propose such discussion themes for
the conference :
1. Political
participation of the floating population in Chinese
2. The social
integration and community building of the new urban
3. The interactions of
traditional and modern cultural and
values in the process of urbanization and community building
.4. Country case studies of urbanization and community
The Conference will
focus on discussions of the burning issue of urbanization
and community building in developing countries , with a
particular focus on China,
as it has emerged in the process of modernization. However,
the cultural traditions and values as well as the dynamic
character of urban modernization make such intersections
challenging and provide an opportunity for human experience
of a new model of social reality. central issus are: how
to live a healthy urban life without losing one’s cultural
tradition and values and how to chart a dynamic path for the
modern city both theoretically and practically.
The conference will
study the issue of urbanization and community in
contemporary life in a multi-disciplinary manner in order to
understand the urbanized human conditions. It will also draw
on the resources of various cultural expressions and
traditions. Such reflections can foster both the
appropriation of cultural insights and the application of
practical critique to current dilemmas which emerge at the
intersection and interchange of forces which form the
contemporary urban situation in various cultures throughout
the world and particularly in China.
Dai Changzhong
Professor of Political
Science and Dean
The School
of International Relations
University of
International Business and Economy
P.R. China
Wang Bo
Associate Professor and
Assistant Dean
The School
of International Relations
University of
International Business and Economy
P.R. China
(all the materials on this website are copyrighted © by
the council for research in values and philosophy)