RVP Conferences

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International Conferences









 May 12  

Ottawa, Canada

Accountability in Pubic Service: Combing the Public and
the Personal 

May 18-24

Tehran, Iran

Faith, Reason and Peace in a Global Age

May 26-27

Istanbul, Turkey

Religious, Political and Ethical Development in Turkey Today

May 31-June 1

 Tbilisi, Georgia

Responsibility in a Global Age

(Photo Gallery) 

June 4-5

Donetsk, Ukraine

Justice and Common Good: The Problem of Moral Decline in Post-Soviet World

(Photo Gallery)

June 8-9

Poznan, Poland

The Idea of Solidarity in Philosophical and Social Contexts 

June 11-12 

 Warsaw, Poland

The Secular and the Sacred Suggestions in the Encyclical of Pope John Paul II Laborem Exercens

June 29-30

Hong Kong

Public Administration as Public Service

(Photo Gallery) 

 July 1-2


Dailogue among Religions, Cultures and Civilizations

(Photo Gallery)

July 6-7

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 

 Philosophy in the New Age of Religious and Cultural Pluralism

(Photo Gallery) 




(all the materials on this website are copyrighted © by the council for research in values and philosophy)

Gibbons Hall B-12, 620 Michigan Avenue, North East, Washington DC, 20064; Telephone: 202/319-6089; Email: cua-rvp@cua.edu; Website: www.crvp.org