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Khawaja Muhammad Saeed

Department of philosophy, university of the Punjab,

Lahore- 54590,Pakistan


Area of major philosophical interest(s): Islamic philosophy,Metaphysics, Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence with best regards and wishes Dr.khawaja Muhammad Saeed pakistan


Joel C. Sagut

Ecclesiastical Faculties

University of Santo Tomas

Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines

Email: ditto_croe@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Socio-political Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion


Gopal Sahu

Department of Philosophy

University of Allahabad

Allahabad, India

Email:  drgopalsahu@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Epistemology, ethics and logic


Emanuel Adin Sălăgean

Associate Professor

Adventist Theological Institute

Email: emanuelsalagean@hotmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Spirituality and Moral Education, Secularization and Media ethics


Silverio R. L. Aji Sampurno

Indonesian History Studies Center

Department of History, Faculty of Letters

Sanata Dharma University

Tromol, Mrican

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Email:  rio@indonesiana.org

Area of major philosophical interest(s) : Anthropology, History, and Ecology


Florin Daniel Sandru

Philosophy Department

"Petre Andrei" University of Iasi

Iasi, Romania

Email: danielsandru2005@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): political philosophy, philosophical doctrines, political ideologies


Alireza Sarfarazi

Beheshti University

Tehran, Iran

Email: asarfarazi@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s) : Hermeneutics, Philosophy of Art, Philosophy of cinema


Gautam Satapathy

Opposite P.H. Section

Road, Puri, Orissa, India

Email: akshpd@yahoo.com


Area of major philosophical interest(s): Modernity, Enlightenment, Continental Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Political Philosophy, Comparitve Philosophy, Metaphysics East and West, Gandhian Philosophy, Jainism, Language and Law, Legal Philosophy, Jurisprudence


David E. Schrader

Executive Director

American Philosophical Association

University of Deleware, Nework, DE 19716

Email: dschrade@udel.edu

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Ethics-Theoretical and Applied, Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Science


Alison Scott-Baumann

School of Education

Francis Close Hall

Swindon Road

University of Gloucestershire

Cheltenham , Glos, GL501XA, England

Email: asbaumann@glos.ac.uk

Areas of major philosophical research(s): Paul Ricoeur, comparative philosophy, applied philosophy in interfaith projects (British Muslims, Colleagues in Indian and Kenya).


C. D. Sebastian

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,

Mumbai  400076, India

Email: sebastian@iitb.ac.in

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Indian Philosophy & Metaphysics: Buddhist Philosophy, Vedanta Philosophy, and Comparative Philosophy


Denis Sekiwu

Muteesa I Royal University

Kampala, Uganda

Email: sekiwu1972@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Moral Education, Values Education, Philosophy of Education


Franz Lawrence C. Senapilo

Mabalacat College

Angeles City, Philippines

Email: franz08@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Emmanuel Levinas, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion


Mujahid Abdul-Shafi

Medical Technologist

Boston Housing Authority

Boston, MA.

Email: M.Abdul-Shafi@hotmail.com 

Area of Major Philosophical Interest(s):  Social Philosophy Today is a unique outlet for careful, critical scholarship in various fields of practical ethics.  Scholars who read or publish in this series agree with Socrates that philosophy is crucial to resolution of real life issues 


Syed Ijaz Hussain Shah

Consultant Professional Development Centre  

North IED Aga University Gilgit Pakistan              

Email: humdani@pdcn.edu.pk 

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Greek Philosophy,  Humanism and Ethics,  Anthropology

Sadia Khurram Shaikh

Benazir School of Business

Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University

Karachi, Pakistan

Email: sadiakhurram@live.com; dr.sadiashaikh@bbsul.edu.pk

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Human Resources and Organizational Behavior


Abdul Shakil

Department of Philosophy

College of Social Sciences

Addis Ababa University

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Emails: shakilphilosophy@gmail.com; ashakilamu@rediffmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Socio-political Philosophy, Ethical Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Indian Philosophy, Contemporary Indian Philosophy, and Humanism


Thanigaivelan Shanmugam 

Department of Philosophy

Annamalai University

Annamalai Nagar

Chidambaram, Tamilnadu,  India

Email: tanixphilo@gmil.com

Website: www.annamalaiuniversity.ac.in

Area of major philosophical interest(s):  Indian Philosophy, Logic, Ethics and Philosophy of Science


Anita Sharma

Chinese Language and Buddhism
Department of East Asian Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Delhi

Delhi-110007, India.

Email: asdeas@gmail.com

Website: http://people.du.ac.in/~asharma/

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Early Buddhism, Socially Engaged Buddhism


Ke Shao (Ken Yin-zhi Shao)

Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute

University of London, United Kingdom

Email: kenycshao@yahoo.co.uk

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Chinese Confucian philosophy, Western legal theory, and the positive role of Chinese traditional culture in China?s current transition to rule of law. Other research interests include intellectual property legal philosophy, Chinese arts, ethic and religions


Ravindra Shenoy U

Assistant Professor

Department of Commerce

Manipal University

Manipal-576104, India

Email: ravindra.shenoy@manipal.edu

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Application of Indian philosophy into management sciences like leadership and governance


C.M. Shimi

Department of Philosophy

Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit

Kalady, Kerala, India

Email: sreekrishnagatha@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Indian Epistemology, Metaphysics, Consciousness Studies, Philosophy of Religion and Culture, Philosophy of Education 


Ved Mitra Shukla

Assistant Professor, Department of English

Rajdhani College, University of Delhi

New Delhi , India

Email: vedmitra.s@gmail.com; vedmitra.shukla@rajdhani.du.ac.in

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Bhartrhari and Indian Linguistic Philosophy; Gandhian Studies


Olga Shutova

History Department, Belarusian State University

Vigneux-sur-Seine, 91270 France

Email: correspondence@shutova.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Contemporary theory of history, world historiography, cultural studies, literary criticism, psychoanalysis


Sukhy Sidhu

Philosophy, 2003 Simon Fraser University)

Abbotsford, BC V2T1R9, Canada

Email: sukhys@gmail.com, sukhys@sfu.ca 

Area of major philosophical interest(s) Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Science, Ethics


Dan Gabriel Sîmbotin

Associate Professor

Institutions: Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch

The “Gheorghe Zane” Institute of Economical and Social Researches

The “Apollonia” University from Iasi

Iasi, Romania

Email: dansimbotin@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Epistemology, Logic, Philosophy of Science


Sofia G. Simitzi

Professor in H.M. of Education

Post-Doctoral Research in Philosophy: Philosophy of Science

University of Ioannina

Ioannina, Greece

Email: sofiasimitzi@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): American Philosophy, Philosophy of Pragmatism (R.W. Emerson, Ch. Pierce, W. James, etc.), Philosophy of Religion, Phenomenology, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Mind, Critical Theory, Theology East and West, Mysticism, Philosophy of Technology, Kyoto School-Japanese Philosophy, etc.


Peter Simpson
PhD Program in Philosophy

City University of New York,

Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016

Email: psimpson@gc.cuny.edu 

Website: http://web.gc.cuny.edu/philosophy/people/faculty.html
Area of major philosophical inter
est(s): moral and political philosophy, personalism


Arvind Kumar Singh

Department of Buddhist Studies

University of Delhi

Delhi, India

Email: arvindbantu@yahoo.co.in/aksinghdu@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Buddhism


Sheojee Singh
Govt. College Of Education

Chandigarh-160020, India

Email:   Sheojee@Gmail.Com 

Area of major  philosophical interest(s): Pedagogical Aspect Of Value Education & The Bhagwadgita, Sri Aurobindo, J. Krishnamurti


Siddharth Singh

Department of Pali & Buddhist Studies

Banaras Hindu University (B.H.U.)

Varanasi, U. P., India

Email: ssinghbhu@gmail.com, ssingh_bhu@hotmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Buddhist Philosophy, Theravada Buddhism, Applied Buddhism


Neelima Sinha (Pandey)

Department of Philosophy

Magadh University

Bodh Gaya, India

Email: neelima_sinha04@rediffmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Buddhist Philosophy; Indian Logic and Epistemology


Larysa Siniugina


Toronto, Ontario Canada

Email: lsiniugina@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Cultural Anthropology


Desh Raj Sirswal

M.A. (Philosophy), Ph.D. (Philosophy of Mind)

Assistant Professor (Philosophy)

Chandigarh-160011, India

Email: dr.sirswal@gmail.com; dr.sirswal@yahoo.com

Website: http://drsirswal.webs.com, http://positivephilosophy.webs.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): The Positive Philosophy, Indian Psychology, Philosophy of Mind, Human Rights, Ambedkarite Philosophy and Socio-educational Philosophy


Dan Siserman

Associate Professor

Philosophy Department

North University Center of Baia Mare

Technical Universit of Cluj-Napoca


Email: dan.siserman@yahoo.de

Website: http://www.dansiserman.wordpress.com

Areas of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Religion, Medieval Philosophy, Philosophy of Technology


Chintala Venkata Sivasai

School of Buddhist Studies and Civilization

Gautama Buddha University

Greater Noida,  Utter Pradesh  India

Email  Ncym2030@Gmail.Com

Website: www.Gbu.Ac.In

Areas of major philosophies interest(s):  Ethics, Buddhist Philosophy/Buddhist Ethics/Buddhist Culture and Civilization


A Yusif Sizalo



Email: sizalo@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Cultural Communication


Harold P. Sjursen (修海樂)

Philosophy of Technology and Global Ethics

New York University School of Engineering,

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

New York University-Shanghai,

New York University-Abu Dhabi

Email: harold.sjursen@nyu.edu

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy of technology, ethics, east-west comparative philosophy of culture, neo-Confucian philosophy; phenomenological and historical.


Ebo Chigbo Socrates

Azikiwe University

Awka, Nigeria

Area of major philosophical interest(s): metaphysics


Yiseon Song

School of International Service

American University

Washington, DC 20016 USA

Email: ysong007@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Christian Theology, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Comparative Religion, Political Philosophy

Abani Sonowal

Department of Philosophy

Buddha Bhanu Sarawati College

Shillong-02, Meghalaya, India.

Email: sonobani89@gmail.com

Area of Major Philosophical Interest(s): Philosophy of Religion, Bhagavadgītā

Nkosinathi Owen Sotshangane

Walter Sisulu University (WSU), WSU Research Resource Centre,

Eastern Cape, South Africa

Email: sotsha@getafix.utr.ac.za or sotsha@yahoo.co.uk 

Website: www.wsu.ac.za or www.utr.ac.za/urrc

Area of major philosophical interest(s) Ethics & Moral Philosophy


Kunchapudi Srinivas

Department of Philosophy

School of Humanities

Pondicherry University

Kalapet, Puducherry, India

E.Mail: Ragsri55@Yahoo.Com

Area of Major Philosophical Interest(s): Indian Philosophy, Modern Western, Philosophy; Indian And Western Ethics


Avinash Kumar Srivastava

Department of Philosophy

Magadh University, P. G. Campus, Nalanda College Biharsharif

Nalanda, Bihar, India

Email: avinash.srivastava39@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Early Buddhism and Applied Ethics

Lester M. Stacey

4572 Timaru Drive

Las Vegas, NV 89147

Email:  selfconscious@earthlink.net

Area of major philosophical interest(s): metaphysics and ethics


Meili Steele

Professor of Comparative Literature

Program in Comparative Literature

University of South Carolina

Columbia, SC 29208

Email: steelem@sc.edu

Website: http://artsandsciences.sc.edu/engl/people/pages/steele.html

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy and literature, hermeneutics, secularity


Dawid Stelmach

Department of Theology

Adam Mickiewicz University

Poznan, Poland

Email: dawste3@amu.edu.pl

Website: teologia.amu.edu.pl

Area of major philosophical interest(s): reconciliation, theology of reconciliation, relations between Christinaity and pop culture, Church in the contemporary world, missiology


Richard Stichler

Professor of Philosophy

Alvernia University

Wyomissing, PA 19610

Email: richard.stichler@alvernia.edu

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Ethics and Political Philosophy; Philosophy of War and Peace; Ancient Greek Philosophy; Chinese Philosophy


Eric Stokan

Political Science Department

Wayne State University

Sterling Heights, MI 48310

E-mail: Eric.Stokan@wayne.edu

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Political theory and political psychology


Nathan Stoltzfus

History Department

Florida State University

Email: nstoltzfus@fsu.edu  

Website: http://www.fsu.edu/~history/facpages/stoltzfn.htm

Area of major philosophical interest(s) development of civil society, protection of civil liberties, resistance by noncooperation with tyranny and public protests


Nkosinathi Owen Sotshangane

Research Resource Centre

Walter Sisulu University (WSU)

Directorate of Research Development

Nelson Mandela Drive, Private Bag

Eastern Cape, South Africa

Email: sotsha@wsu.ac.za

Website: www.wsu.ac.za

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Applied Ethics and Moral Philosophy


Ruby S. Suazo

The Humanities and Social Sciences Department

Cebu Normal University 

Email: ruby_suazo@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy of the human person, values, contemporary philosophy (Paul Ricoeur), Chinese philosophy


Wan Ahmad Tirmizi Bin Wan Sulaiman

Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies

Universiti Teknologi MARA

Kelantan, Malaysia

Email: wtirmizi@uitm.edu.my, wantirmizi@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Comparative Ethics, Islamic Administration Ethics, Ethics in Public Administration


Mohamed Ahmed Suleiman

Department of Philosophy

Faculty of Arts, Sohag University

New Sohag City, Sohag Governorate, Egypt

Email: amas2010@yahoo.com mahmed@philosophy.uoa.gr

Website: https://staffsites.sohag-univ.edu.eg/stuff/user

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Medieval Christianity and Theology


Humaidi Surat

Center for Islamic Philosophical Studies and Information (CIPSI)


Email: humaidi97@yahoo.com

Website: www.cipsi-philosophia.org

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Islamic philosophy and Islamic science


Hardiansyah Suteja
Department of Indigenous Studies

Institute for Perennial Studies

Jakarta, Indonesia

Email: hardiansyah.suteja@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): perennial philosophy, Islamic philosophy, medieval philosophy, eastern philosophy, indigenous philosophy


Tone Svetelj

Boston College

Boston, MA, 02467

Email: svetelj@bc.edu

Area of major philosophical interest(s): ethics, philosophy of religion, secularization


Biswanath Swain

Indian Institute of Management Indore

Indore - 453 556

Madhya Pradesh, India

Email: biswanath@iimidr.ac.in

Alternate Email: biswanath80@gmail.com

Website: https://www.iimidr.ac.in/faculty/full-time-faculty/profile/?id=30

Areas of major philosophical Interest(s): Ethics, Philosophy of Action and Agency,  Marketing Ethics, Ethics and CSR, Ethics and Organization, Philosophical Logic


Sharlene Swartz

Faculty of Education,

University of Cambridge

Homerton College, Cambridge

Email: sharlene@theyouthinstitute.org

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Moral, religious and political values, moral education, citizenship education 


M. Mukhtasar Syamsuddin

Faculty of Philosophy

Universitas Gadjah Mada


Email: etsar@ugm.ac.id

Website: filsafat@ugm.ac.id

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Comparative Philosophy, Phenomenology, and Philosophy of Religion


Nurrohman Syarif

State Islam University (UIN)

Sunan Gunung Djati

Bandung, Indonesia


Area of major philosophical interest(s): philosophy of religion , the philosophy of politics and law in Islam







(all the materials on this website are copyrighted © by the council for research in values and philosophy)

Gibbons Hall B-20, 620 Michigan Avenue, NE, Washington, DC, 20064; Telephone: 202/319-6089; Email: cua-rvp@cua.edu; Website: www.crvp.org