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Associate Membership































Ma Mengfei

Faculty of Philosophy

Nankai University

Tianjin, China

Email: mmf830@126.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Political Philosophy, Democratic Theory


Golfo Maggini

Professor and Head of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy

Department of Philosophy-School of Philosophy

University of Ioannina

Ioannina – Greece

Affiliated Professor

University of Warsaw

Warsaw, Poland

Email: gmaggini@uoi.gr

Web: https://philosophy.uoi.gr/en/faculty-2/golfo-maggini/

Area of major philosophical interest(s): contemporary phenomenology, hermeneutics, theories of modernity, practical philosophy and the continental philosophy of technology. 


Choirul Mahfud

The Institute for Religion and Social Studies (LKAS)

Surabaya, Indonesia

Email: mahfudjatim@yahoo.com

Website: www.choirulmahfud.blogspot.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Multiculturalism, Philosophy, Education, Social and Religion


Bharat Malakar
Department of Philosophy

Mahishadal Girls’ College
Rangibasan, Mahishadal

Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India
Area of major philosophical interest(s): Western Philosophy, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mind, Western Logic


Carlos Eduardo Maldonado-Castañeda

Philosophy Department

Universidad del Rosario

Bogotá, Colombia

Email: carlos.maldonado44@urosario.edu.co

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Complex systems


Yusuf Abubakar Mamud

National War College

Abuja, Nigeria

Email: yam7323@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): African Philosophy


Claude Mangion

Philosophy Department

University of Malta

Sliema, Malta

Email: claude.mangion@um.edu.mt

Area of major philosophical interest(s): philosophy of communication and philosophy of culture


Xavier P. Mao

Professor and Head of the Department of Philosophy

North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU)

Shillong, Meghalaya, India

Email: xavmao@gmail.com; xpmao@nehu.ac.in

Website: https://nehu.ac.in/faculty/display/310/Xavier%20P.%20Mao

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Phenomenology and Existentialism, Western Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Aesthetics, Post-modernism, Metaphysics.


Carmen González Marín

Associate Professor in Philosophy and Gender Studies

Carlos III University

Madrid, Spain

Email: gmarin@hum.uc3m.es


Area of major philosophical interest(s): Ethics, Contemporary Philosophy, Gender


Dedyulina Marina

Department of Philosophy

Taganrog Institute of Technology

Federal State-Owned Educational Establishment of Higher Vocational Education «Southern Federal University»

Taganrog, Russia

Email: dedyulina72@mail.ru

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy of SocietyScience/Philosophy of Science; Ethics and Science, Technology, and Human Values; the ethical and the social problems in the field of high technology


Barnaby Marsh

New Program Development

The John Templeton Foundation

Radnor, PA , USA

Email: bmarsh@templeton.org

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy


Viachaslau Maseika

Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

the Belarussian State University

Mozyr, Belarus

Email: Viaches_Moseiko@mail.ru

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy of Culture, Social Philosophy


Kenneth Cadena Masong

Graduate School of Theology and Faculty of Philosophy

Del Pilar, City of San Fernando, Philippines

Email: kcmasong@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Hermeneutics, Modern Philosophy


Mahmoud Masaeli

Professor of Human Rights

Iran Academia

University of Ottawa

Ottawa, Canada

Email: mmasaeli@uottawa.ca

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Global Ethics, Ethics of Global Development, Ethics and Human Rights, Hermenetucis of the Selfhood


Francisco Mata-Andrades

Place Strategy Ltd. 

London,  United Kingdom

Email: F.Mata-Andrades@lse.ac.uk  

Website: www.placestrategy.co.uk

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Phenomenology, Heidegger, Ontology, Taoism, Urban ethics


Paul Mbangwana

University of Yaoundé I

Yaoundé, Cameroon

Email: mbangwana@refinedct.net

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Ethics, Cultural Foundations for Civil society, Hermeneutics


Susana McCune

Clinical Psychology

Antioch University Seattle

Suquamish, WA, USA

Email: susanamccune@mac.com

Areas of major philosophical interest(s): phenomenology, hermeneutics, philosophical psychology, Continental and Enlightenment Philosophy


Donovan A. McFarlane

Department of Politics and International Relations

Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)

Florida International University

Miami, Florida, USA

Email: dmcfarla@fiu.edu 

Area of Major Philosophical Interest(s): Philosophy of Government, Philosophy of Politics, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Human Rights, Natural Law Theory, New Haven Jurisprudence, Esoteric Philosophy, Higher Consciousness Studies, Metaphysics, Epistemology,  Ethics, and Moral Philosophy


Germain McKenzie-Gonzalez

the Department of Religious Studies

Niagara University (Lewiston, NY)

Waterloo, Canada

Email: gfmckenzie@gmail.com

Website: http://www.linkedin.com/in/germainmckenzie

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy and Modernity, Philosophy and Post-Modernity, Secularization, Varieties of the Secular


Dale R. Meade

Intercultural Studies and Educational Studies

Rittman, OH, USA

Email: DrDaleMeade@hotmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): the social construction of foundational worldviews of belief and value systems


Niyazi Mehdi

Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Art

Azerbaijan, Baku

Email: model-court@artel.net.az

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Culture, Policy, civil society


Farhana Mehmood

Fatima Jinnah Women University

The Mall Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Email: farhana.mehmood@fjwu.edu.pk

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Religion and Peace


Roman Meinhold


National University Lesotho


Email: roman.meinhhold@gmail.com

Website: www.roman-meinhold.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): philosophy of culture; philosophy of art and aesthetics; practical and applied philosophy/ethics


Irmayanti Meliono

Department of Philosophy

Faculty of Humanities

University of Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

Email: irmayanti_m@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy of culture, Philosophy of Science , metaphysics


Philip M. Merklinger 

Professor (Full), Philosophy

University of Alberta, Augustana Campus

Alberta. Canada

Email: pmm2@ualberta.ca

Area of major philosophical interest(s):  Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Spirituality,  19th and 20th century Continental Philosophy 


Monica Merutiu

Faculty of European Studies

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Email: monica.merutiu@euro.ubbcluj.ro

Website: www.euro.ubbcluj.ro

Areas of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy of Religion, The Role of Religion in International Relations, Religion and Globalization


Derek Michaud

Department of Theology

Boston University


Email: derek.a.michaud@maine.edu; dmichaud@bu.edu

Website: https://derekmichaud.wordpress.com/

Area of major philosophical interest(s): philosophy of religion, theology of religions, Platonism


Maria Mikheeva


Moscow State Institute for Tourism Industry

Moscow, Russia

Email: mikh_maria7@mail.ru

Area of major philosophical interest(s): cross-cultural communication, national values, comparative cultural studies


Mara Miller               

E-mail: maramiller@att.net

Website: http://maramiller.home.att.net/ 

Area of major philosophical interest(s): aesthetics, Asian philosophy, philosophy of the person, environmental philosophy, Phenomenology, feminist & psychoanalytic theory


Steven P. Millies

Director and Associate Professor of Public Theology

The Bernardin Center for Theology and Ministry

Chicago, Ill, USA

Email: steven.millies@ctu.edu

Area of major philosophical interest(s): political theory, especially the Catholic social and political tradition, with an emphasis on the role of religious mystery as a constitutive element of human relations and social life


Marija Milosevska

Education for Peace and Children Rights;

Ministry of Education and Science, Skopje

Republic of Macedonia

E-mail: mmilosevska@mn.gov.mk


Alexander Mirescu

The New School for Social Research

Berlin Program for Higher German and European Studies/Free University of Berlin

Email: mirea100@newschool.edu

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Comparisons in Religious Policies, Civil Society and Religion, Democratization in Eastern Europe


Florin Mirghesiu  

Babes Bolyai University

Cluj, Romania

Email: mirghesiu@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s):  Political philosophy


Ananda Mishra

Department of Philosophy and Religion

Banaras Hindu University

Varanasi-221005, India

Email: anandaphil@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Advaita vedanta, Phenomenology and Existentialism, Mahayana Budhhism


Pramod Kumar Mishra

Governance and Development

Hawassa University, Ethiopia

Email: pramodkm7@gmail.comdrpramodprof@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Good Governance and Global Governance, Sustainable Development


Sunil Mishra

Dronacharay College of Engineering,

Khentaas, India

Email: doctorsunilmishra@gmail.com


Area of major philosophical interest(s): Hinduism, Sikhism and Western Philosophy


Sreetama Misra

School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management

Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Khordha, India

Email: sreetama@iitbbs.ac.in

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Human Values, Environmental Ethics, Phenomenology


Palak Mittal
Ph.D. in Philosophy from Department of Philosophy

Delhi University
Delhi, India

Email: palakmittal82v@gmail.com
Area of major philosophical interest(s): Indian Philosophy, Gandhi, Ethics, Feminism, Logic


Mohammad Mojahdi Mojahedi

Department of Political Sciences

Mofid University

Qom, Iran

Email: mojahedi50@yahoo.commmojahedi@mofidu.ac.ir

Website: http://www.mofidu.ac.ir

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Analytic Philosophy; Philosophy of Religion, Political Philosophy; Ethical Philosoph


Carlos Arboleda Mora

Universidad Católica del Norte

Medellín, Colombia

Email: carlos.arboleda5@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): French phenomenology, Medieval mysticism, philosophical theology.


Hugo  Moreno

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Email: shmoreno@umich.edu

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Latin American thought and literature; hermeneutics.


Liubava Moreva

St. Petersburg Branch of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research

(Russian Federation Ministry of Culture)

St. Petersburg, Russia


Area of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy of Culture, Religious studies, Hermeneutics and Existential Phenomenology. Publications on Cultural and Historical Types of Rationality; History of Russian Religious Philosophy; Poetics and Rhetoric of Philosophical Text; History of Gnosticism and Gnosis; Dynamics of Mentality in Information Society


Jurate Morkuniene

Department of Philosophy

Mykolas Romeris University

Vilnius, Lithuania

Email: morkuniene.jurate@gmail.com;  vainalt@yahoo.fr;

Website: www.mruni.eu

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Contemporary philosophy; contemporary philosophical cognition; philosophical methodology human rights philosophy; culture of peace philosophical substantiation


Evgeniy Morozov

St. Petersburg State University

St. Petersburg, Russia

Email: evmorozov2012@yandex.ru

Website: http://www.famous-scientists.ru/11099

Area of major philosophical interest(s): transpersonal philosophy. holism, philosophy of consciousness, philosophy of science


Pius Mosima

Department of Philosophy

University of Bamenda

Bamenda, Cameroon

Email: piusmosima@yahoo.com

Areas of major philosophical interest(s): African / Intercultural Philosophy; Globalization and Culture, Moral and Political Philosophy, Political Sociology and Anthropology, Citizenship and Development Studies, Gender Studies and Bioethics.


Peter K. Mtuamwari

Atlanta Georgia African missionary from Kenya

2576 Alberat lane,

Marietta GA, USA

Email: pkmwari45@hotmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): African tradition Religion and Christian philosophy.


Michaela Mudure

Babes-Bolyai University

Cluj, Romania

Email: mmudure@yahoo.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): identity, interculturalism, multiculturalism


Robert L. Muhlnickel

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire

Eau Claire, WI, USA

Email: Emailrlmuhlnickel@gmail.com 

Area of major philosophical interest(s): ethics, value theory, social and political philosophy


Anirban Mukherjee

Department of Philosophy

North Bengal University

Siliguri, India

Email: anirban76@gmail.com

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Wittgenstein, Postmodernism, 20th Century Indian Thought, Philosophy of Culture / Culture of Philosophy


Asha Mukherjee

Department of Philosophy

Visva Bharati

Santiniketan, India

Email: bijoym@santiniketan.org

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Social philosophy, ethics, logic, analytic philosophy, philosophical logic, gender issues and environmental issues


Timothy Muldoon


Boston College

Boston, MA, USA

Email: muldoont@bc.edu

Website: https://www.bc.edu/bc-web/schools/morrissey/departments/philosophy/people/faculty-directory/timothy-muldoon.html

Area of major philosophical interest(s): Philosophy of community; Bernard Lonergan's philosophy of culture; Philosophy as a way of life; Ignatian spirituality; Contemporary pedagogy






(all the materials on this website are copyrighted © by the council for research in values and philosophy)

Gibbons Hall B-20, 620 Michigan Avenue, NE, Washington, DC, 20064; Telephone: 202/319-6089; Email: cua-rvp@cua.edu; Website: www.crvp.org